You Are God – Prayer

Lord, thank you that you are the God of all peace and are with us in everything. Thank you that you are sovereign and all the universe is in your hands. Thank you that we can rest in you and trust you to work all things out for your glory.

Thank you that our hope is in you and not this world. Thank you that if we put our hope in you, you are what we will live for. Help us to see clearly that this world and all that belongs to it is temporary and passing. May we always keep in mind what is enduring and eternal.

Lord Jesus our faith is in you and you alone. There is no other name by which we can be saved. You alone are God and able to make us right. May our pursuit be for you and your goodness. Please help us to keep our eyes on you and the things of you.

Lord, may we be patient and steadfast in the midst of affliction. May we see our momentary troubles in light of eternity. May we recognize that in the struggles of this life you are working in us for our good so that we are prepared to spend eternity with you. Help us to keep our yes on the prize and not be discouraged.

Thank you that no matter what goes on around us we have you to cling to. Thank you that your truth gives clarity to our mind and makes us able to see. Thank you that in the midst of a time where confusion and lies abound we can remain grounded in you and your truth. May we proclaim you and what is real even when people don’t want to hear. May we remain steadfast in you and share your love and goodness to those who hate and persecute us. You are God and we cling to you.


1 Peter 1:3-9