All Things Good

Lord, thank you that you created all things good and when your creation functions according to your design things work well. In the beginning, you created us male and female to work together in a way that builds one another up and glorifies you. We are both necessary but not the same.

Lord, may we appreciate the uniqueness of our differences and the way you designed us to work together. May we value the contribution of both men and women and see ourselves as you see us, uniquely designed to fulfill your purposes and bring honor and glory to you. May we understand our equality in status and appreciate our difference in function.

Lord, help us to see that life isn’t about us and what we want. Help us to see that life goes better when we look to the interests of others rather than our own. Help us to see that in dying to self we can really come alive in you and do what pleases you. Enable us to build others up and not focus on self.

Lord, thank you that you have made us to function in families and that your design for the family to have both a father and mother is good. Thank you that when we love one another sacrificially we function as you would have us and your good purposes are served. Help us to really live according to your design.

Lord, please help husbands understand fully what it means to love their wives and to build them up in you. Help wives to give their husbands the respect you have called them to and submit to their leadership. May the hearts of men truly be turned to their wives and children and may they want to become the self-sacrificing, godly leaders you desire. May the way we relate to one another show the goodness of your design and truly bring you honor and glory.


Ephesians 5:32-6:4