Open Our Eyes – Prayer

Lord, please open our eyes so we see the deceptive ideas and lies of the world that would take us away from you and your truth. Please help us see clearly that the result of our lives is a consequence…

Gentleness – Prayer

Heavenly Father, We come before you with gratitude for all that you are, for all that you have given us, for your mercy and grace towards us, for your presence and faithfulness. You created us to reflect your image, and…

For Giving Us – Prayer

Lord, thank you for giving us life. Thank you that every breath is a gift from you. Thank you for all that you have given us in this amazing world you created. Lord, may our hearts be filled with gratitude…

Love is – Prayer

Lord, thank you that you desire for us to love one another and live in unity with each other. Thank you that we can do that as we submit to you and are filled with your love. You tell us…

What You Require – Prayer

Heavenly Father, Micah 6:8 tells us exactly what you require of us and what is good for us.  You desire for us to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with you. Lord, we acknowledge that we are not able…

One Day – Prayer

Lord, one day every one of us will pass from this life and stand before you accountable for all we have done. May we see now that only what we have done in your name and through your Spirit in…

Empty – Prayer

Lord, it is sad to live in a time where the souls of people are so empty because they have rejected you.  Though evidence of you is all around us, people choose to deny your existence and believe and follow…

Fathers – Prayer

Lord, as this is a day set aside to honor fathers, we want to thank you for your good design for the family. Thank you that you created man and woman in your image and that when joined together in…